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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
Sharks and other fish
Andrew Solway
This book is really cool. I thought learning about how sharks are caught and killed to be used to shark fin soup and other stuff. I also found out that sharks get caught in fishing nets sometimes and die. This was a cool book and i will rate it 7/10 because it coulve been alot better
the history of world war 2 volume 2 is about is about life at the homefront and how thy built some british planes boats and tanks but mostly about the british
Killer Carnivores
Killer Carnivores is an excellent non-fiction book by Andrew Solway.
Im very interesting in animals and these animals which I read were crazy.
I like the facts in this book and I learned lots of things such as a tazmanian devil and you can find this animal in Australia and are nearly extinct.
I would recommend this to all my friends and family.
I would rate this book 10/10.
Richard Chapman
This book is really cool. It showed me how to play more chords and how to sweep pick. I liked learning about my favourite guitarists like Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Carlos Santana and Jimi Hendrix. I was disappointed because they didnt have john petrucci but it was good. I would give it 9 1/2 / 10
I have just read Killer Whales - By Carol Inskipp
I have just finished reading a non-fiction book about Killer Whales. I wanted to read this because I wanted a non-fiction and this book popped out at me. I also wanted to learn more about killer whales.
This book was interesting because it was all about the Killer Whale and I one fact that really surprised me was about some parts of the whale are used for parts of a tennis rackets. I also learned that people kill whales for their oil and also for their meat. I also learned you can identify by looking at its fine what gender it is. I also liked the pictures of whales because it was very pretty and cool when the water is splashing.
I really liked this book because it was easy to read because I enjoyed it and it was interesting. I recommend it for any people who liked this blog because this is exactly what the book was like. I recommend it for people who want to know facts about the Killer Whale because it’s very factual. I would recommend it for lots of people and I would give it an 8 out of 10.
Heavier than Heaven - The Kurt Cobain
Charles K Cross
I Have just finished the book 'Heavier than Heaven'. This story is about the child hood, life and death of my biggest hero ever Kurt Cobain. I learned that he had a good life until he was 9. His parents split up and he started to draw pictures on his walls saying
'I Hate Mom, I Hate Dad'
He was addicted to drugs most of his life and this was one of the reasons he committed suicide. He was found dead on april 8th 1993, Aged 28, by and electrician. He thought he was dead until he saw the shotgun on his chest pointing at his chin and blood everywhere. In his suicide note said, He loves his daughter and hopes she makes it through life not like him.
I loved this book and think that he was one of the best people in the world and its sad that he died because he was a great person . I rate this book 10/10
Dracula is a book I have read and have enjoyed .The story is about a man named Jonothan harker who goes to visit Count Dracula at his home and finds out that the Count is a Vampire so Jonothan calls the help of Dr Van Helsing the famous vampire hunter. tey go back to the Counts lair and Jonothan stabs Dracula with a sharp piece of wood
Deadly Reptiles
Andrew Solway
I have just finished the book Deadly Reptiles by Andrew Solway and i thought it was very interesting. It told me about lots of cool animals. My favourite animal in the book was the Gharial, a member of the crocodile and aligator family with some very different features. It has a long snout with a big round nose on the end of it . It is found in india and catches fish by opening his mouth upstream and the schools of fish swim into it.
This book was ok but if it had more animals the book would be brilliant so i will give it 8/10
the holocost
the bookis about the holocost and were hitler was born who his parants where and how he had grown up.
the part about the concentracion camps were the best i think. this book is good if youhave an essay about ww2 or hitler. i enjoyed it because i love things to do with history and ww2.
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