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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
Eric cantona auto-biography
by Eric Cantona
This book is about eric cantona who was one of the worlds best footballers.The book tells you about his young life, growing up and his early career.It also tells you what clubs he's played for,his biggest games,how many goals he scored and his hardest matches.I really liked the book because i am a football fan.I would reccomend it to people who like football.
This book is about marvel characters and obviously Spider-Man. It has quite a good comedy and has lots of different comics in one book, i reccomend this book for comic lovers
montain biking book
it tells u how to change a bike tyre and tell you the tipe of bikes you can get downhill bikes,jump bikes and road bikes.its tells you how to bunny hope over a log.
This book is about the british and germans at war in the battle field
and at sea it tells u about german
and british tanks guns and all diffrnet things it shows u where the britished hide in tree stumps and the german bunker and a british and the stuff in the bunkers like ammo artilerly.
Essental sports Basketball by Andy Smith.
This book is about basketball and it tells you all about the sport and how to play it.Like lay ups,zone defence,tactics and shooting.It tells you about different players and what they do when they play.
I think this book would be suitable for ages 10 and above and sport fans
Match 2005 annual by Giles Milton.
This book is about world wide football in the year 2004-2005.It tells you that Arsenal won the premiership in the year 2003-2004.It also tells you about Euro 2004 and the champions were Greece.It shows you pictures of world superstars like Fernando Torres and Wayne Rooney.It tells you facts about differnt players and teams.It tells you the top fifty players of the year 2003-2004 and number one was Patrick Viera.
I thought wasgood and interesting.I think wuold be suitable for football fans
By Mary and Jhon Gribbin
This is a great non fiction book it has loads of facts on sciance its written by Mary and Jhon Gribbin it has loads of cool stuff it has stuff from the past and stuff from the presint.This book is o0ne of the best books ive ever read.This book is suiteible for ages 10-12.This book is non fiction just to remind you.This is a great book whow evers reading this you soud read it
this book is about bats and i found out that they are noctornal creature I person;y did not like this book
Scotland in the time of Burns.
By Iain Rose and Donald Gunn.
This Book is about Scotland during the time Robert Burns was living.It tells you about daily work and poems and people and the land of Burns and other stuff.
I think this book is okay but its not the best book but i got alot of information and the time when Robert Burns was living.
I think this book is suitable for people any age. I think people would like this because it gives you alot of information and if you were doing a project on Robert Burns it would help you get information and it tells you about Scotland too!
By Louise&Richard Spilsbury
I have recently read a non-fiction book called 'Dogs'. I chose this book because I love dogs, but my mum wont let me get one. I wanted this book to learn about different types of dogs and how to take care of them. I found out some very interesting facts and tips if you have a dog. I liked reading this non-fiction book.
Some of the things I learned a about dogs was that there are thousands of different breeds of dogs. I also found out that if you feed your dog chocolate it can make them very ill. I also learned what kind of food you need for what kind of dogs and also what leads are best for what dog. The fact that I found more interesting was that some people tatoo their house numbers into the dogs back, incase they get lost.
I actually really enjoyed reading this book because I understood it very well and I learned alot about my favourite animal. I would reate this book a 9/10 because I enjoyed it alot. I would recomend this book for people who have dogs and need to know tips about it or who are thinking of getting a dog, this would give them alot of good tips to keep their dog at home, or just for people who like dogs.
Title - Scray Creatures
big cats
Author - Penny Clarke
This book is about big cats, It tells you all about them like how fast they run,what the hunt and where they live.It also tells you how they are going to be extinct and some animals have no fur left because pepople keep hunting them.
i like this book because it taught me quite alot about the big cats . My favourite big cat was the north american bobcat because it was cute.
I think this book is suitable for any one that likes animals.
Robert the bruce
The book i chose to read was Robert the Bruce because i was doing an investigation on eather robert the bruce or william wallace and i have cose to do Robert the bruce i liked this book as it was very helpfull.
The books author was rohna dick it was about the war of stirling bridge and all the stuff that happend like the war it was intresting and had lots of facts in it if you read it i think you will enjoy it as much as i have
so if you get a project i think you will find this book is helpfull and interesting
I am going to tell you about this book it was packed full of information so reamember if you need information about robert the bruce and william wallace i got mine from the james hamilton academy but you can only get it if you go to the games hamilton academy.
I think this book would be sutable for a person who likes or studies history. by kaitlin mcclung
Great Battles of World War 2by Old Steen Hansen
This book is about World War 2 Battles and about who played big parts in the War
I Liked this book because my ancestor got caught be the Japanise in World War 2 and Survived and my brother is in the army so i liked it because it told you what they did to people they captured.
I think this book would be suitable for people who know somebody in the army or are intrested in the army.
Under Fire In World War II by Brian Fitzgerald
This book is about soldiers being undre fire 24/7 in the book it says people would struggle to sleep at night it also tells you how they survived.
I thought this book was good my favourite event was when The Allies came together and thought the Germans.
I Think this book would be suitable for Peolple who like history
by Alex Bellos
This book is about football. Most of it is in the Faroe Islands but it is about Brazilians. The Marcelo Marcolino who played with B68. He was not used to the freezing weather because he is a Brazilian. It also told you storys behind Pele,garrincha and Ronaldo.
I really enjoyed this book because it is about football and i like football and I would recommend this to people who like football
Get that Gost to Go by Catherine macphail
This book his about two boys who are very popular at school but when the ghost comes there live at school and out side of school there lives get ruined because of the ghost Dean and the boys names are Markie and Duncan.
This book is about Anne Frank.
She is a Jewish girl.
She meets a boy called Harry.
She has to go into hiding because of the Nazis.
I enjoyed it a wee bit.
I think older kids would enjoy it because it is set in WW2
I had a book called Ghosts, Monsters and the Unnexplained.
It gives you lots of information about aliens, phycic abilities, dreams and visions, black and white magic, and thats just in the "Unnexplained" section!
It's by John Guy, Rhiannan Lassiter, John Duncan and JM Sertori.
The Rotten Romans By Terry Deary
This book tells you everthing that you want to no about the Romans from the fun and games to the Roman childhood even has a bit on the cut-throat Celts
The book has so very humarous part as cartoon strips.
Some facts there was a line to be leader so if you wanted to be leader quicker then you just killed the person in front of you the Roman army was the most disaplined army it cost you for every thing even your furnal you had to seve for so many years before you could leave but if you wanted to leave befor that they would push you down a pit
The Bare Bum Gang
This book is about a gang , the keep making dens in the woods but they keep getting destroyed. They getr called the Bar eBum Gang because they seen there friends bum . .
A Christmas Carol
By Charles Dickens
This is a famous book story of scrooge, a rich businessman of london during the last century. With old age, scrooge had become mean and spiteful. Untill he receves a visit from a ghost of his dead friend, marley and he tells him that he will be geting a visit from 3 ghosts but once he has seen them will he see scence to stop being spiteful and mean you will have to read it for yourself.
I thought this book was ok because i have read and seen "A Christmas Carol".
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