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Anthony Horowitz was born in 1956 in Middlesex, to wealthy parents. He had a bizarre and unhappy childhood however, and escaped by watching James Bond films. His most famous books are the Alex Rider series, but he has also written lots of scripts for television.
As well as the Alex Rider books, the Library has the Power of Five series, Diamond Brothers series, Groosham Grange and Horowitz Horror.
There is lots of info on his website: http://www.anthonyhorowitz.com/
By Anthony Horowitz
It is a about a boy called Alex Rider. His uncle dies in a car crash the police said. Alex knew something was wrong. He was a careful driver. Will he find out?
I thought the book was great. I liked it when Alex was trying to find out what really happened to his uncle. My favourite character was Alex.
I think this book is suitable for people who like Action packed books.
Ravens Gate
Mat Freeman Has no parents and gets in trouble and is sentto a gardian.Where he finds out that he is one of the five.A secret band of five children to protect the world from the old ones.His gardian is a servant of the old ones and takes mat to a abondand power station to kill him mat he uses magic and kills her
ark angel
by anthony horowitz
this is about a teenage spy who is in hospital from a sniper wound when he is kidnapped.as the story goes on he rilieses what his kinappers boss is up to.I would recoomend it to 9+ as it is very good.But the book takes ages to finsh
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