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Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Some of Michael's books that are held in the Library are:
Private Peaceful
Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea
Kensuke's Kingdom
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
War Horse
To find out more about Michael and his books have a look at his website - http://www.michaelmorpurgo.org/index.htm
Michael Morpurgo
The nine liviesof Montezuma
Montezuma set up his battle cry and manoeuvreed closer his back arched and bristling.
Acats nine lives are full of adventure and excitement are none more so than Montezuma, the framyard cat. From a young kitten to a grand old cat he is cunning and proud while establising his kingdom, but to Mattew hes always looving and adorable.
The King In The Forest
By Micheal Morpurgo
This book starts when a young boy is out in the woods to gather fire wood whilst his father is away. He sees a animal which the huntsmen are looking for. He quickly takes it to his house and hides it under his covers so the huntsmen dont find him. The huntsmengo into his house and the boy pretends to be sick. The kings daughter comes in and they fall in love. The boy grows older and he has looked after the animal for years. Then he lets it go and he goes to the kingdom to see the king and he syas he haas to get the animals antlers so he can be the proud king and he will be rewarded with marriage to the kings daughter
Cool By Micheal Morpurgo
My book is about a boy called Robbie at first he is lying on a hospital bed.He thinks back to what happened to Luky.One Saturday Robbies Dad phones and his mum did not pick it up.When she did she asked Robbie to take Luky for a walk and something happens to Lucky.
My opinion of the book is that it is a very good my favourite character is Robbie.My favourite event is when Robbie wakes up and finds that Lucky is not dead.
I think the book is suitable for 5 and upwards.
Private Peaceful by Micheal Morpurgo
I liked private peaceful because its about the war and I like war stories. I liked the way he described the first world war and his child hood. I would recemend this to people who like micheal morpurgo books I would rate this story 10/10. My favourite character is Tommo he is one of the main characters
Kensukes Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.A boy called Michael is washed up on a island in the pacific.Michael struggles to find water and food.At the end he curls up to die.He wakes up and there is food next to him.kensuke gives him the food an dthey become friends.I thought the book was good and interesting by Connor Miller
title- the king in the forest
author- micheal morpurgo
this book is about a boy called tom who saves a small white fawn from getting killed form the kings huntsmen .Tom and the fawn were alwasy together and grew up together since tom was young.When the stag becaomes older it leaves to be king in the forest.
i think the book is good and my favourite character was tom because he cared for the stag
i think the book is suitable for anyone who wants to read it
Title - The nine lives of Montezuma
Author - Michael Morpurgo
This boook is about a cat's nine ful lives that are full of adventure and excitment and none more so than Montezuma, the farmyard cat.
i THink this book is very good.
I think this book is suitable for people in s1 or s2.
The amazing story of adolphus tips
this book is about a girl called lily tregenza who livs on a village called slapton. a war breaks out in france with detroys lots of homes.
i wasnt to keen on this book because its my kind of story line as much i prefere funny books not sad ones.
i think this book is suitabel for 8-14 because i think the would enjoy it.
The Butterfly Lion
By Michael Morpurgo
Bertie recues an orphaned white lion cub from the african veld. They are inseparable until bertie is sent to boarding school far away in England and the lion is sold to a circus. Bertie swears that one day they will see one and other again, but the betterfly lion ensures that their friendship will never be forgotten.
Bertie is my favourite character because I like him.
war horse by micheal murpurgo
this book is about people in world war 1 just like his other book called private peaceful.
when the germans started to shoot with a machine gun i would give this book 10 out of 10 suitable for over 13 year olds.
my favourite chapter is chapter 7
and my favourite line is behind him
swamped in a vast great coat and a peaked cap.
Toro Toro by
Michael Morpurgo
This book is about a boy called Antonito and his family that live on a farm in spain. On his farm they breed bulls for the corrida.
One night one of the bull mums had a calf and it was called paco but paco'S mum died after giving birth to him so antonito had to feed paco his milk for the rest of paco's baby years. Then one day Antonito's father said he could not see paco again because he would not be any use for the corrida. Anotnito's father took Paco to the furthest away corral from the farm were the other bulls were. Maria Antonito's sister would help him sneak off and see paco, When Antonito called for Paco he would always come and let him calp him.
when antonito went to his first corridahe was horrife by the way they way the treated the bulls so he thought to himself i must save Paco. The next day Antonito went to the corral and took paco to a field far away from the farm it took them all night. When antonito gotr back his house was destroyed by the Spanish bombers came so he roode his horse far away when he meet his uncle.
Friend or foe
By Micheal Morpurgo
Friend or Foe is about two boys called David and Tucky. Davids dad was killed in the war so he lives alone with his mom. David and Tucky are evacuated from london to the country side to live with a farmer and his wife. One night they were sitting in their room when they seen a german bomber plane crash land in the moor. So the next day they go lookking for the plane . They eventuly find it and help the Germans get back to Germay.
friend or foe by micheal murpurgo
this book is about 2 children and they have to be evacuated to the countryside where they find 2 germans and the germans plane is needing repaired.
i would give this 10 out of 10 and its set in world war 2 at the end of the book they help churchil win the war
Dear Olly,
By Michael Morpurgo.
This book is about a girl named Olly her brother (Matt) and the swallows.
Olly's brother Matt has been training for years to be a vet, but he's also very good at dressing up for parties as a clown. One night Olly, Matt and their mum are watching T.V and an advert for sick children in Africa comes on. Matt realises that the children are not happy and wants to try and make them happy. Matt packs his bags, throws away his career as a vet and goes to Africa to bring some joy with his party piece as a clown to some of the sick children.
I liked this book because it involved animals aswell as people. The text was large and easy to read. I would say it was for readers 7-13 as it was an easy read.
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