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C. S. Lewis (1898 - 1963) was an Irish writer and scholar. He was a friend of J. R. R. Tolkien (author of Lord of the Rings) and like Tolkien he served as a soldier in World War 1. His most famous books are The Chronicles of Narnia.
The Library has all 7 books in the Chronicles of Narnia series - how do you think the books compare to the films?
Find more info on Lewis and Narnia at http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/harperchildrens/kids/gamesandcontests/features/princecaspian/
This book i have chosen is about four children called EDMUND,PETER,LUCY and SUSAN.They had to move during the war when they arrive the owner of the house which was an old man.
My opinion of the is that the auther has set a good story my favourite event is when Lucy goes into the wardrobe.My favourite character is Peter because he is like the group leader.
This book will be suitable for 12 year olds because it is set on agood backround.
The voyage of the DawnTReader
Its about two cousins Lucy and Edmund who set sail in a boat called DAWNTREADER and find themselfstalking to invisable people and they also meat dragons and serpents.
i relly like this book because it was interesting and fun to read. my favorite bit is when they meet the dragon because they are my favorite mythological creature.
i think this book is suitable for people who belive in magic but then again i dont belive in magic so i would say everyone could read this book.
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