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Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Michael Morpurgo was born in 1943 in England. Before he became a writer he was a primary school teacher. Now he has written over 100 books and won loads of awards.
Some of Michael's books that are held in the Library are:
Private Peaceful
Alone on a Wide, Wide Sea
Kensuke's Kingdom
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
War Horse
To find out more about Michael and his books have a look at his website - http://www.michaelmorpurgo.org/index.htm
Toro Toro
Its about a boy that lives on a bull farm with his mum and dad and his sister.The boy takes care of a bull but one night something terrible happend.
I enjoyed the book i thought it was intersting and exciting i recomend it to everyone. my favourite is when the bombs fell.
I think the book is suitible for the whole family because its a good book and i think everyone would enjoy it.
My favourite character is got to be Antonio, Antonio is the main character in the book i like him because he`s kind and he`s brave.
By Dylan Miller
Private Peaceful
By Michael Morpurgo
A brilliant book with lods of great charictars such as charlie
tommo bigjoe molly the colonel
my fravret charictor is charlie he is brave he stands up to the clonel
for his mum.this book has 185 pages in it it is about the first world war and is action packed and full of adveture i liked this book because it is a verey good book and i think you should read it to the next first year.i think this book is suiteible for ages 10-13.
this book was great.
why the whales came
by michael morpurgo
this book is about when a whale got washed into the sea by a tidle wave but these pepole found the whale and tried to save the whale i think this book will be good for 10 to 15 year old if you want this book go to the liburayu and you will able to get it their i also enjoyed reading this book and also enjoyed writting this blog to thanks for reading my blog
By kayley craig
TORO!TORO!by Michael Morpurgo
This book is about an old man telling you about his lifetime story and how he gets into trouble.
I loved the book not as good as other Michael Morpurgo books. My Faveourite event was when he stole a bull. My faveourite Charester was Antonio.
I think this book is only for Michael Morpurgo Fans
TORO!TORO! by Michael Morpurgo
Its about a boy that lives on a bull farm. He looks after the bull it is called Paco. Something bad happens to it.
I like this book because it is exiting and interesting. I would recommend it to anyone who likes Micheal Morpurgo.
Private Peaceful
by Michael Morpurgo
This story is about three children and their lives.To start with the girl was just a neighbour but then the boys,Charlie and Tommo Peaceful, became her friend.The girls name was Molly.At first they just played together but then they started to go to school together.The first thing that happens in the story is the two boys father dies.Near the middle of the book Molly and Charlie get jobs and because of an insident Molly is told to stay away from Charlie.They still keep seeing each other secretly and Molly gets thrown out of her house and has to stay the Peaceful's house because she is pregnant.Then Tommo gets a job working with Charlie.Finally the boys have to go to be soldiers and things get tough......
My favourite character is Charlie and Tommo's brother.He is kind and loves nature.Although it is not fair when he gets treated badly by his evil grandmother.
My favourite part is when Molly gets better after a long illness.
Overall this book is great although some parts are very sad.
By Leah Graham
Michael Morpurgo
Kensukes kingdom
it is about a boy called michael that get washed up on a island, a man called kensukes saves him and brings him food, water and shelter.
i love this book i thought it was great my favorite is michael because he is only 12 years old and survives everything that is through it him.
i recomend this for the family because of the kind of events that happen.
The Lion the witch and the wardrbe
Bye C.S Lewis
This book is about four children called Peter,Susan,Edmund and Lucy.Lucy discovers a secret place behind the waedrobe.There is an evil queem that trys and kills them.Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror,Peter felt brave and adventurous,Susan felt as is some delightful strain of music had jus went by and Lucy got feeling when you relise its the beginning of summer but when they went back in the wardrobe it was a stack of coats. I think it would be recomended to everyone in the family even the parents and my favourite character was lucy she was brave and nice so thats why i picked her.I picked this book because it looked good and exciting and adventures in it i really enjoyed this book alot so much fun im it you just can't stop reading it.
i have only read one book by Micharel Morpurgo, I really liked it.
It's called Private Peacful its about 3 children.
Molly, Tommo and Charlie
they live in England in the time coming up to the world war!
its really good !!!
i think loads of people would like it !!!<3
mibhale Morpurgo
The Butterfly Lion
My story is about a boy called Bertie who lives in Africa.
He finds a small white lion cub
bertie takes it home with him and looks after it until he goes to school. He sead that one day he would find the lion again. When Berties at school he meets a girls he really likes and he tells her all his stories about Africa
The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, is about an old woman called Lily whos sends her grandson a diary of her life in 1943 just as she disappears to America. In the diary it tells of how they had to leave their village to let the soldiers train for the war. Lily has acat called Tips who goes and she finds him in the hotel where the troops are training but he goes missing and again and the next the hotel is blown up!
My favourite character was Lily because she risks her life to her cat who her best friend.
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