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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
Innocent By Anne Cassidy
I read a book called Anne Cassidy and really enjoyed it. I have read a few Anne Cassidy books and really enjoyed them so i thought this one would be good. It is about a girl who lives with her dad and big brother and her big brother is aways getting into trouble by the police. One day the police come to the door and ask to take her big brother down to the station because a man is killed and he is the main suspect. But when his little sister tries to prove his innocence she is giving away a little more then expected. I would rate this book a 8 out of 10 and would recommend it to people at the age of 10 to 13. It is a really good book and i would definitely read it again.
By Zanna McDowall.
Dancing In My Nuddy Pants
I have recently read and enjoyed Dancing In My Nuddy Pants
I really enjoyed this book because it was based on the film Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and I really enjoyed the film and the book. The book didn't take me long to read at all because I knew most of the things that happened, but there were a few twists.
The book was about a girl Georgia Nicolson, a young teenager who goes to school with her 3 friends, she likes these two boys but none of them like her back, but as the book continues the boys start liking her and ....... you will need to read to find out what ahppens next.
I would reccomend this books to girls only because I dont think boys would like it, also I think it is for ages 13 - when ever. I give this book a 9/10 because I really liked it, and I think everyone should read it.
Divided City
By Theresla Breslin
This book is called divided city. It is about a boy called Graham who gets a chance to play with glasgo with his other football friend Joe. Graham is a rangers fan and joe is a celtic fan. Graham takes another way home after training and sees a boy gettiung jumped and he phones an ambulance but has to rush away so his parents wouldnt find out he was there. The boy refuses to say his name and gives graham a missson to deliever a phone to his girlfriend Leanne. He goes on his journey to the house when he gets stopped by joes big cousin so graham has to say he was looking for joe so he gets joe and him and joe become great friends so they continue going to her house and they deliever the message to leanne
i would say it would befor teens and over
Benny and Omar
Nobody there plays his favourite sport hurling.School is weird , with lovely dovely , aging hippies for teachers!And the village ; doesnt even deserve the name villaage ; more of the a camp , really enter Omar - wild boy living on his talent at buying selling , fixing and making - do. His life skills from necessity.
Amadcap friendship develops between the two , and they torture and torment the whole village. Then real life intervenes and the boys must outwit the the village gaurds. Benny's parents , and the ultimatey the police. I rate this book 3 out of 10 because i didnt reallly like it i recommed the book to 12 to 15 years old.
Dear Olly,
By Micheal Morpurgo.
Olly's brother Matt has dreams of becoming a clown. Thats what hes best at, making people laugh. So when he tells olly hes going away to Africa he asks herto make sure that his swallows that he looks after are okay and thats what she dose. Hero is the last baby swallow to leave the nest and set off to Africa. When Matt see all the lonely, Injured and sick children he knows he has made the wright decision.
By Zanna McDowall.
Soccer Squad
this book is about a young boy called ABS who is determined to show off his skills to their rivals langton blues.ABS is a striker - all his teammates - dal, jason,and chris - all want to win the trophy. But langton are in their way . At the end up rushton reds win the trophy and everyone is happy(expecially) ABS. My overall impression of the book was ok . I would reccomend this to 12 0r over.
Jacqueline Wilson
Clean Break
When Dad and mum break up Em does her best to cheer up her little brother and sister, eventhough shes miserable too.She tells them exiting tales because she knows a good story can make life seem better. Meeting the author of her own favourite books would be a dream come true.But could her other4 greasest wish be granted?Is any story powerful enough to bring Dad back.
The Midnight Fox
Tom knows he is going to stay on his Aunts farm and he thinks he is going to hate it. He hates it until he says a back fox.Then there is a threat to the black fox and Tom is the bavest and saves the black fox forom that threat.At the end of the book he hears the bark of the black fox.i give this book 5 out of ten this book was not for me.this book was ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacqueline Wilson BAD GIRLS
Bad girls is a good book it is about a girl called Mandy who had been picked on at school for as long as she can ever remember,thats why she is delighted when cheeky,daring,full of fun.Tanya picks her as a friend.Mum isn't happy.She thinks Tanya's a BAD GIRL and a bad influence.But Mandy's Mum was right Tanya go Mandy(e.g steal things) but then near the end of the book everyone realises that Tanya is not a nice girl and everyone starts wanting to be bestfriends with Mandy and Tanya ends up being the one left with no friends and people making a full of her.
By Robyn Milton
why charlie brown why
a story about what happens when a friend is very ill
charles m. schultz.
this book is about charlie browns friend janis who gets lukemia.
"it was a beautifun cool,clear autumn morning "the children were waiting for the school bus to come and ,as usual charlie brouns sister sally was complaning.
his friends linus was asking his frind janice if she liked being pushed on the swings.
when the bus comes janice accidentally bumps her arm on the railing."ow" she cried "now i have another bruise".she held out her arm to show linus all the bruises up her arm.
later, in class janise said she wasn't feeling well. linus felt her temperature and said it was very warm and that maybee she should go see the nurse.
several days went by and the other children found them selves waiting for the bus without janise. that morning theire teacher was finally able to tell them where janise was.she was in the haospital. that evening charlie-brown and linus went to the hospital to see her. "i have lukemia" she said."thats a type of cancer found in my blood" the boys waited with her for a long time and listened to her while she told them what had happened to her and all the tests that had happened.
on the way home they stopped by janise's houseand spoke to her isters about what had happened to them that day.
finally when winter came janise was at the bus stop with a brand new pink cap .when they were on the bus she told them that she had had chemotherapy and it made all her hair fall out, but that was a sighn she was getting better.
when they got to school a bully came and stoleher cap and started to laugh at her. linus bravely stood up to the bully and told him of all the horrible things janise had gone through and after that hhe never bullied her any more.
after the holidays she was back.and went on the swings with linus and her lovely long blond hair fell back.
janice was finally back
by fiona leary 2p5
Golden Goal
By Dan Freedman
This book is about a boy called Jamie Johnson who is one of the most talented youth players in his country. The press and fans follow him every where he goes. He plays in a cup final but will his team win ??
I thought this book was great. My favourite character was Jamie. I like him because he sounds like a good footballer.
I think this book is suitable for football fans and people aged 7+.
Overall i think this was a really good book.
Hetty Feather
By Jacqueline Wilson
This book is about a girl called Hetty Feather that is taken into Founderling Hospital when she was a baby.Almost straight away she was fostered but you were only allowed to be fostered until you were 6 and then had to be taken back.Hetty loved her foster family and was terribly sad when taken back to the Founderling Hospital.She got into trouble alot.One day the whole school went to the funfair.Hettie sneaks off to find a carnival then wonders off again.She meets a girl called Sissy and stays with her for a while.Then they have an interview with a lady that is writting a book and the lady is a govener.What will happen? Will Hetty find her true mum? Read this book to find out.
My favourite part is when Hetty is taken back to the Founderling Hospital when she is six because you don't know what is going to happen.Or if she will fit in.
My favourite character is Hetty because she is very adventurous.She is not afraid to take a risk and she is very special in her own way.
Overall this book is brilliant. All of Jacqueline Wilson's books are great.This one is the best so far.She always ends a chapter on a cliffhanger which is great because it makes you want to read on and on.
By Leah Graham 1P3
Matilda by Roald Dahl
I like book because it thought it was interesting.This book is about a girl called Matilda and her dad is always out working and her mum is always atthe bingo.She is left in the house her self and she goes out to the library.She reads alot of adult books like Chaarels Dickens and Thomas Hardy.She then goes to school and her teacher a dops her.I really liked this book and i think it would be suitable for ages 6 and above.My favourite charactor was Matilda because i like the way she acts in the book .By Connor Miller
Maximum Ride: Schools out for ever
By James Patterson
This book is the follow on of Maximum Ride: The angel experiment. Max, Fang, Iggy, Gasman, Nudge, Angel and Angel's talking dog Total are on the run from the lab they were brought up in. All the kids were experimented on as kids and now they have wings and poor Iggy is blind. They are3 being tracked down by erasers trying to kill them. Ari is the leader of the erasers and is trying to get Max all to himself as her loves her but also hates her because his father likes Max better than him even though Max has nothing to do with him. Max has been made to save the world as well as the others but she doesn't know what from and when ahnd how she is going to do it. Max will stop at nothing to find out answers.
I thought this book was excellent and once i picked it up i couldn't but it down. My favourite character is Fang as he is cool and freewilling.
I think this book is suitable for all ages above thirteen. My Uncle read it as well and said it was fabulous.
Someone like you
By Sarah Dessen
Scarlett and Halley grew up together and are best firends. Scarlett's the popular one and hayley is the quiet one. And until tragedy strikes they balence each other out petrfectly and then everything changes. So can the stick by each other or will they fall under the pressure and fall apart it all depends on one thing...
Someone like you is a really good book smd i really enjoyed reading it. My favourite character in the book is scarlett because she is very confident and outspoken one and she has a really good personality. I pick this book as i have read some of sarah dessen's books before and really enjoyed them. It also has a really nice front cover and look quiet exciting. I would recommened thids book to people between the age of 11-14 as i would say it was for older readers. I will give this book a 9/10 as it was really good to read and you will never want to put it down!
By Zanna McDowall.
Missing Catherine Macphail
I have recently read a book called 'Missing' by Catherine Mcphail. I chose this book because i had read some books by this autor before and I wanted to look for some more and I quickly skimmed over the blurb of this book and it sounded really good. I really enjoyed this book because I understood it really well and I thought it was written really well. I found the book exciting, interesting and a bit sad at some points.
The book was about a girl called Maxine who had realised that her brother had gone missing. During the story they found out that he had actually died in a dragic death. Her parents had to confirm the clothes her was wearing at the time he had gone missing and this was a really hard moment for the family. But during the story Maxine gets a very important call and it is derek! She cant believe her ears, she doesnt know if someone is playing a joke to begin with, will it be true?
I would reccomend this book for anyone who seems interested in this blog. I really enjoyed it and I think alot of other people will too. I would give it a 10 out of 10because this is the kind of book that I like reading and I will try to get books like this in the furture.
Dead Funny
Tanya Landman
I have recntly read a book called Dead funny by Tanya Landman and it is an excellent book and would readit over and over.
The book is about a girl called Poppy Field and she was dead excited about her first trip to America. But then people started getting themselves killed in really weird ways. Nothing made sense until Poppy and Graham investigated, then the murders seemed to tie together as neatly as a string of sausages. A little too neatly...
This book is an 10/10 book for my opinion and I would recemend this book to all my friends.
I read a book called bridge to terribithia it is about a boy and
his new friend that arrives and
turns the local woods into a fantasy land the book would get a 7 out of 10
I read a book called grass by sylvia sherry its about a group of racist thugs who beat up this pakistani boy and killed him the witness was seen and the gang found out everything about her in the end she finds out that her boyfiend was one of them who killed the boy
I read Stalker by Anthony Masters.
It wsa a short book and an easy read.
I dont think it was as good as the blurb made it out to be but i would recoment this book to readers age 12-and over.
I dont think i would read this book again.
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
In this book is about Isabella (Bella) Swan who meets a vampire, Edward Cullen. When playing a family - vampire - game of baseball, 3 other vampires, James - a hunter - Victoria - James's girlfriend - and Lorane enter the field. James begins a hunt after Bella when he cathes her scent. Will Edward save her in time?
My book is called Football world cup by Clash
In this book it tells you about the world cup and its top goal scorer. The trophy was made in 1970
and weighs 6.17 kg and is 36.8 tall and all the winnera Are engraved on the bottom the next world cup will be in Brazil 2014.
there have been 142 red cards
Boy trouble.I read a book called boy trouble by sarah webb i thought it was ko it was a bit hard to understand.And yhuu meet this girl in it called Amy Green and she is having trouble with a boy that she really likes but he doesnt like her back and she tries everything to make him like her but it is no use but Clover gives Amy some advise and amy takes it and asks the boy out then he says ok and in the end Amy and the boy are going out with each other and they end up happy :)
Last Chance by sarah dessen
This book is about a girl who was fat but her mum got skinny and every thought she was slut she went o her aunta who is fat and her world changes.:)
hatchet by gary paulsen
this book about a man that seen a plane crash in the water and he ends up crash lands in canada
he is stuck will he survive. i give this book a 9 out of 10. great book.it was good
Bicycle Blues
Anthony Masters
What would you do if your new mountain bike was nicked? Jamie is careful always to padlock his new bike to a lamp post. In spite of this,it is stolen while his back is turned. He is determined to track down the thieves. Then he meets Greg. But is Greg a friend or is he a dangerous member of a rival gang ? And does he really now where jamie's bike is hidden?
Mechanical Harry by
Bob Kerr
This book is about a boy called harry and his gran phones him to ask if he could come round and chop some wood for her.before he left he got his hotair bike and stared to cycle but haf way there a bird came a long and burst the hot air ballon and the hot air ballon fell out of the sky and on to a desert island and he had to make a fire and a shelter on his own. After a while on the island he found the stuff he needed to fix his bike and he was off again on his journey to his grans house
By Bernard Ashley
Respect is about a boy called Mal. His Dad is in prison. He has to try find a new friend and get them to respect him. That means alot to Mal and he nearly loses his life for it.
I thought this book was ok but not to good. it is quite good fo first year.
Beautiful Dead
by Eden Maguire
A year after Arizona drowned in the lake and something still doesn't make sense. Arizona is strong and confident, Ellerton High School's high-maintenance drama queen and drowning herself doesn't seem like something she would do.
Darina tries to help Arizona in the same way she helped Jonas.
Tales of horror monsters by tick tock
this book is about monster and if there real or not and myths and has all kinds of monsters small to big. 5/10 <----- Not vey good from me yuo may be different:(:(
percy jackson and the lighting thief by rick riordan
this book is about a boy called percy jackson and one night a thief stole all the lightning and he was chasing the thief i enjoyed this book and it was a brilliant book
he used to live in new york in a private school for trobled kids he tries to find if greek gods are alive
Percy jackson and the lightning thief by rick riordan
this book is about a boy called percy jackson and he is looking for the lightning thief the book is a fantastic blend of myth and modern.
great book i would give it 9 out of 10 best chapter was i accidentely vaporize my math teacher it was a award winner
henderson boys secret army by robert muchamore
this book is set in world war 2 and the goverment is building a secret army of intelligence and they got a group called henderson boys.
it was a great book. the goverment gathered imformation and planning sabotage opertaion favourite line was at the end one of the henderson boys say dun dun dunnnn dante added.
The bare bum gang is all about 4 boys who are in the gang called Ludo, Noah, Jamie and phillip.
They have a number one ememy called the dockerty gang and have challenged them to a football match, who ever wins gets the others den, and the bare bum gang win!
The book i was reading was called Broken By Penny Kendal i thought that the book was really god i fairly enjoyed it i would like to read more of Penny Kendal's books :) cause i liked this one.....Rebecca had never heard anyone scream like that it was so loud so painful so devastating ...When rebecca and jack arrive to stay with Caroline they know very little about her she is mums sister but mum hasent talked about her for so many years.....Caroline doesnt know much about them either.She says one room is strictly out of bounds she doesn't realise this is temptation to great for Jack to resist...
Henderson boys secret army by robert muchamore
this book is about a secret army which have to go and sabotage war plans this book is a set in world war.
i would give 10 out of 10 this is not suitable for people under 12
The war of the worlds by h g wells
this book is about these tripods controlled by the martians.As the martians are here take over london and the surrouding area and that sounds the beggining of the martian attack .
i really enjoyed this book as it is based on war on earth by martians .i would give this book 10 out of 10 also a funny book i would rate this book for older readers ages between 14 to 20 year olds.as the martians tried to take over the universe there plan had failed .the story was set in londen in the 1898.great book.
The war of the worlds by h g wells
this book is about these tripods controlled by the martians.As the martians are here take over london and the surrouding area and that sounds the beggining of the martian attack .
i really enjoyed this book as it is based on war on earth by martians .i would give this book 10 out of 10 also a funny book i would rate this book for older readers ages between 14 to 20 year olds.as the martians tried to take over the universe there plan had failed .the story was set in londen in the 1898.great book.
the war of the worlds by hg wells
this book is about martians invading earth as the tripod as the martian tried to invade earth but they failed.
as the book goes on martians tried and tried but still failed at the end of the book the tripods were destroyed.
The book is called Hank Ziper the worlds greatest underachiever Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver Day of the Iguana.The main is character is a young boy the is called Hank Ziper and in the book its about a science project he likes doing experiments but he doesnt like to write a report and today he is wrighting a report on his topic.He fininally comes up with a great plan for his topic and then his pet that is a iguana gets in the way of the topic.
If you like the sound of this book u can get it from the James Hamilton Academy or u can but it for only £4.99 and there is 3 other books and its all different ones and they are all great,BY RYANDINEEN;)
Lirael by Garth Nix
Lirael is the second in a trilogy. I have not read the first but from what I have read it is not necessary.
The book centres around two main characters,Lirael and Sameth.Lirael is like a fish out of water in her home.She does not have the Sight,a power that all of her people have.Sameth is much the same.He is the prince and is supposed to become the Abhorsen when he grows up,defender of the Kingdom against the undead that roam the land.He is petrified by this.
These two characters have to face their fears throughout the book.Eventually they find each other , realize the truth of who next Abhorsen really is and decide to take down an evil necromancer together.
My favourite character was Sameth.He is expected to do something he can't but he still tries.I like the way the book ends on a cliffhanger.This is really good book for a fiction book of your choice.
Harry Pottrer and the Philophers Stone, By Jk Rowling
The book is about a wee boy called Harry. His parents died when he was a very small baby. So he got sent to his Auntie and Uncles house to live. But when he was about 10 years old, a big hairy man called Hagrid comes and tells Harry that he's a wizard. He makes some new friends called Ron Weisly and Herminy Granger. He gets put in Griffindor with them and... well i wouldnt like to give too much away
Walking With Rainbows
By Isla Dewar
When Briggsy turns up at Minnies school on that first Monday in April, Minnie knows he's not like the other boys. Briggsy's family travels and he misses out on school but he has learnt what lifes all about, wheather its cooking. watchins the stars or visiting car boot sales. All of his passion is shared with Minnie.
The Steps
By Rachel Cohn
This book is about an american girl called Annabel, living in Manhattan. She has always called her mum and dad by their real names (Angelina and Jack). They were very young when the had Annabel in Manhattan. Her mum and dad spilt up when she was still young. Her dad fell in love again with a woman called Penny from Austraila. She also has children of her own to her other partner who died. Penny's children are called Lucy and Angus.
It is the summer holidays and Annabel has to go and live with her dad for a while. She found out before she went that she was a big sister to Penny's and Jack's child called Beatrice. When Annabel goes to Austraila, she finds out that Lucy and Angus call Jack 'dad'. Annabel doesn't like 'the steps' but has to put up with them. And there are surprises in the book aswell.
I really liked this book. I think it is more for girls than boys. I would say it was sutuble for girl readers 9-13. I would definitely read this book again.
The Steps
By Rachel Cohn
This book is about an american girl called Annabel, living in Manhattan. She has always called her mum and dad by their real names (Angelina and Jack). They were very young when the had Annabel in Manhattan. Her mum and dad spilt up when she was still young. Her dad fell in love again with a woman called Penny from Austraila. She also has children of her own to her other partner who died. Penny's children are called Lucy and Angus.
It is the summer holidays and Annabel has to go and live with her dad for a while. She found out before she went that she was a big sister to Penny's and Jack's child called Beatrice. When Annabel goes to Austraila, she finds out that Lucy and Angus call Jack 'dad'. Annabel doesn't like 'the steps' but has to put up with them. And there are surprises in the book aswell.
I really liked this book. I think it is more for girls than boys. I would say it was sutuble for girl readers 9-13. I would definitely read this book again.
the book i was reading was kensuke's kingdom by michael morpurgo i thought it was ver good cause we read it in class and i fairly enjoyed it it was about a young boy who was going round the world with his mum and dad and they bought a boat but then he fell off it with his dog stella artois and they came to an island where an old man called Kensuke lived and they were on the island for ages untill the boat came and Michael was over the moon he thought he would die on the island but his parents found him like he thought they would :)
Rain by Kate Le Vann
Rain's mother is dead and she lives with her father. She's always felt like there's more to her death than what shows. When her father goes away on a science trip Rain has to go and stay with her Granny for the whole summer, in London. She looks around in cupboards and finds her mother's old diary, filled with everything about her past. After meeting a student named Harry who she falls for, he helps her uncover secrets.
Good book!:D
Rain by Kate Le Vann
this book is about a lady who dies and her daughter goes to stay with her grandma for a while in london. in london Rain meets a boy called Harry who shows her around and they start to get really close. Rain Lindsay finds a diary of her mums and it reveals some dark secrets ...... read this book to find out more 12+
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